Capellan Confederation Company

Blackjack, Marauder, Phoenix Hawk, Valkyrie

Atlas, Archer, Warhammer, Wasp
Stinger, Wraith, Locust, Archer

I’m so fucking stoked about this alpha strike box. I painted up the extra lance I bought with it for the full company. At first, I will be splitting them off to fight each other but will expand into a second company eventually for them to face off against.

I tentatively have a game scheduled this weekend Saturday but that will depend on a couple of wild cards I can’t track yet.

I really dig the cardboard buildings in the box. The quick start is handy, better than the free one for sure. The primer looks like an amazing fluff summary. I probably won’t read the novella but that’s fine. The tokens are maybe a bit unnecessary but we will see. It’s nice to have some objective markers. I’m also thrilled with the clan mech selections.

I picked Capellan because I liked my friends description and one of the schemes matched what I was going to try for anyways.

My first time trying woodland camo. I would say it didn’t turn out quite as good as the Smoke Jag, but it’s not bad. It definitely looks like a unified force and I’m satisfied with the end result.

I opted not to go for streaking grime on these because I want a cleaner more rookie to look to them, not mecha that have been on a campaign for a long time. I did a tiny bit of weathering with bone white, which is like a tan color. Threw some basing paste on and a few tufts. Picked out a few details with steel and cockpits with matte black which I’ll gloss over after the dull cote.

I went for the alternating hex rim I saw in a paint scheme while googling and I have to say I love it, I may go back and do my Clanners like this too.

Oh I’ve also gone and ordered, the commanders edition in print so eventually I can expand to reinforced companies with infantry and armor.

So I’ve played like 2 tiny little testers for this but between the painting the beefing up on lore and reading the rules I am hooked!

Stay tuned for more,


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